visual updates

2010-01-03 12:27 p.m.

this shall be a pictures and video entry.

of long-awaited pictures and videos.

all the way from PROM!

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derrick and feliz performing.

and then JAPAN!!!

(i have very very few pictures because i generally dont take my camera out unless 1.the other cameras cant take as well as mine 2.there is something really funny going on. so the majority of the pics are on facebook.)

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all of us on the insane THREE HOUR bus ride to the ski resort.

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megan and sean looking like illegal immigrants, standing in the snow with a shovel.

i cant remember what on earth they were trying to do.

oh here is a dancing mp3 player i saw at narita airport.

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leave it to the japs.

and then finally, the performance!

most importantly, THE VIDEO.

(i know im the abnormality because im the only one with untied hair, but the darn rubber band flew off right at the start.)

and less importantly, here is one of our lame practice videos which was really screwed up and funny.

we did it w/out sara and amanda (hence the gaps in the choreo) because they had done a separate practice before which i WOULD also post, but it takes a really really long time so i'd do it tmr instead since i can barely keep my eyes open already.

pics from before the perf!

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smile detector shot.

i dont know why this always happens.

whenever i tell people that im using the smile detector, they give me these funny teeth-baring painful-looking grimaces.

SMILE detector, not TEETH detector!

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on the way to sembawang (brenda and i were on the opposite seats.)

but that was the NICE shot.

this is what they were REALLY doing when they didnt know the camera was on them.

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and finally, group shot.

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you'd never be able to tell from this picture that at that point of time i was worried sick to the pit of my stomach because my parents were coming to pick me up after realizing that i had told them the wrong venue and timing of the performance (because i didnt want to BE there).

on top of the worry i was also really pissed off at the guy taking the video because he was sooo sloooooow and i desperately wanted to go and head off my parents in some way already.

but look at my calm, serene face in the picture.


i should have been an actress, really.

anyway, that about sums up the interesting stuff i did recently.

i would write more about jacky's funny wedding party competition thingy but i just did that 5 minutes ago and it all got deleted away so, in pique, i shall forget all about it and not write a single word.

till next time, taa!!

summer & winter