tooth fairy, my ass

2008-10-08 1:03 p.m.

i have had the worst morning ever.

if given a choice, i would rather have gone to school.

instead i had to go to the evil-smelling hospital, where i apparently had 3 different appointments with 3 different dentists, all in one day.

first the filling, then the teeth separators, and then the dreaded tooth extraction.

i had been dreading the extraction the most because of one horrific experience the other time involving a lousy dentist yanking and rotating my tooth in the most horrendous way whilst i could still feel it, and the pain and the knowledge of what was going on was oh-so-nauseating that i can still remember - and squirm over it - even today.

but this time the extraction was, surprisingly, the least painful of the 3 procedures!

which actually just means it DID still hurt, but less than the others.

like the separators.


as it was, i walked around the hospital from one room to another all morning feeling increasingly squeamish and jumpy because i didnt know how much pain to expect.

so i took to asking the dentists, hoping for some sort of positive response.

you know how they always say: 'this isnt going to hurt a bit' soothingly before doing something that really really hurts?

well, i know.

but its still comforting to hear the words! and try to delude myself for a while.

but the dentists at this particular hospital are oh-so-honest.

'is this going to hurt?'
'*pause* well...if it gets too much let me know and i'd give you anesthesia.'

'is this going to hurt?'
'the cream will lessen the pain.'

and of course, the ultimate one.

'ok this is going to hurt quite a bit.'

i didnt even ASK!!

its like she WANTS to further increase my current state of high tension.

these dentists need to go for a class on psychology, the things they do.

like the tooth extraction incident.

when i finally got out of the chair after the dreaded extraction all wobbly-legged and jelly-stomached, the dentist decided to show me the bloody, disgusting mass which was apparently my extracted tooth.

as if i wasnt on edge enough already.

'see, there's your tooth.'
'oooook so you dont want it.'

WHO in their right mind would want a gross, nauseating, bloody old tooth??!!


the worst part of it all, though, is the fact that the gap in my teeth is now hurting like anything now, because the anesthesia has since wore off.

and my mouth is full of blood and the bleeding doesnt show signs of ceasing.

and i cant eat or drink or speak.

oh, just kill me now.

summer & winter