of paper and pen

2008-10-07 8:33 p.m.

in an attempt to revamp my room to fit a big mirror, i started going through my cupboards and shelves and somehow chanced upon all my old journals and notebooks.

after reading through them i realized that i started writing rubbish even from young.

i had an 'observations' notebook in sec 2 where i wrote about all my classmates during the humanities classes i never listened in, but since that was before i started blogging everything was on paper.

i did ridiculous things like count the number of heads nodding off and draw my friends with 8 legs, or stuck between lettuce and 2 pieces of bread.

and i also called everyone 'dodo', apparently.

a particularly ridiculous excerpt from that book would be zhuqing's transformation.

'dodo tarantula first started being a dodo on 16th August 2005, 2.05pm. She officially transformed when i decided she looked more like a dodo than a tarantula because she doesn't have 8 legs.'

i also realized dionne's nickname is actually an acronym for Best Utensils For Food, Always.

the reason behind it probably made sense to 14 year old me.

i even chronicled her weird habits.

1) the giggling when she touches a bar.

2) the weird liking of back-poking

3) the speed at whcih she figured out the curve ruler prank

i cant even remember what the curve ruler prank is now, sadly. something complex and difficult and mind-boggling, no doubt.

the only prank i can remember is the one i played during lit on the person sitting next to me once, involving the transparent fishing string and the target's pencil case.

i did something or other which caused the zipper to wiggle whenever i moved my hand.

that was oh-so-memorable because i remembered having to restrain the biggest bout of laughter i ever had when the victim grabbed the person behind him with a look of amazement and went 'OMG MY PENCIL BOX IS MOVING!'

i just threw my head under the table so the tears running down my face wouldnt be seen.

if the guy had been any less astonished though he would have realized that sputters were emitting from under the table and it was heaving quite violently.

oh yes, the good old days in secondary school.

we also had wonderful, fun homework like journal-writing during english.

i probably miffed the teacher with all my weird assignments.

when we were asked to do 'a day as a....' and 'the life of...' i did mine on 'a day as a mushroom' and 'the life of saddam hussein'.

oh how i miss such assignments.

i shall go dig up more notebooks now, tata.

p.s in case you were wondering, the one i drew as a sandwich was tan min.

summer & winter