a quick update

2013-02-05 10:49 a.m.

why its been forever since i last blogged!

and the only reason im doing it now is because i have nothing else to do.

which is super ironic because i am more free now that i am gainfully employed than i ever was in various stages of my bum student life.

even when i had like months and months of breaks with absolutely nothing to do.

i guess the problem is i could always find SOMETHING useful to do be it practice or work out or sleep. but now my movements are restricted to this stupid stinking desk and stupid rolling chair. and i can find little to occupy myself.

i watch videos for entertainment and infotainment and self-correction, play draw something, google useful trivial facts i always wanted to find out, and when all fails - i come back to my dear old blog to once again vent because i have forgotten to bring my phone and cannot access whatsapp to moan to everyone.

so i may as well moan to no one at all and just type a long moany monologue that no one will read and maybe i'd get some gratification without annoying everyone with my first world problems.

why did i even start a blog to begin with? it is so pointless.

unless of course i wanted to put in the effort to actually keep it up then maybe i'd start getting freebies.

hmm more about that later.

i have just remembered my main purpose of the blog, that my young innocent self came up with a million years ago.

i wanted to keep 70 year old wrinkly old me in the loop with my exciting young life!

so that, whilst i sit swinging in a hammock somewhere on a tropical paradise pondering my wrinkly feet and wondering what i have done in my 70 years of life besides acquire enough money to get myself an awesome retirement on said tropical paradise, i can refer to trusty old blog to remember.

problem is 21 year old me hasn't been keeping trusty old blog updated.

tsktsk, says 70 year old me.

so now that i am back to shedding some light on my young life, what do i have to say?


well just a quick update on the basics, wrinkly me. you're 21 now, and luckily your period of gainful employment will end in 4 months because you are merely doing an internship with XXX company. you say XXX because you have just realized how big companies like yours have scary pervasive invasive agencies doing media monitoring for them where they sieve the copious internet for all mentions of their company name and you think it'd be very awkward to have your blog pop up on the media monitoring list tomorrow for the abrasive woman behind you to see.

maybe a separate post, when you're no longer working here. then we'd SHOUT the name to the world.

anyway, back to the basics. so yes you're busy not doing anything in the day but at night you become busy for real because you've got to practice very hard for the HKSF competition (i know right, yet again! third year in a row! but we can't find any other competitions unfortunately. perhaps we'd do the world latin dance cup end of this year.) You think that this year's choreo might be a real breakthrough for you (this is when you're nodding right, wrinkly old me? and going yes indeed that was a turning point in our lives afterwhich we were finally given the regard we deserve) and that you stand a tiny whisper of a chance of getting third place (wrinkly old me agrees again). currently you are about 2 weeks away from the competition and really, you're very very tired and exhausted and your foot is giving you problems again but you think you can hang in there till the competition (well you don't really have a choice actually its either hang in there or what, give up? does such a thing exist?) You very much hope that all your foot problems don't get carried over the wrinkly old you in the future.

speaking of which you have become quite health-conscious and wrinkly old you must surely be reaping the benefits of that (wrinkly me agrees again). what with finding out that not being fully fit and healthy means not being able to dance (gasp!) you decided to put in real effort to maintain your youthful young beautiful self in as beautiful a manner as possible with as little problems as possible such that wrinkly old you is NOT that wrinkly after all and still able to jump and run and shake and shimmy with no problems (not-so-wrinkly me applauds).

that means that 21 year old you has actually quit eating chips and soft drinks and fast food (it was a tough transition) except in periods where there's absolutely no choice and also, decided to make healthier choices in the food court! (cue applause again). young you has also started drinking more water and taking vitamin C and making sure she sleeps AT LEAST 8 hours a day (for this employed period only; subsequently its back to 9-10 hours daily! whoopeee). and therefore not-so-wrinkly me has no serious health problems at all and can spend the rest of her retired life living on abovementioned tropical paradise perhaps picking up hula dancing since she would have gotten sick of salsa by then.

young you has got to go and pee (consequence of drinking more water). this entry shall first be uploaded just in case the shitty work laptop decides to make a nuisance of itself and suddenly close things again.

summer & winter