2013-02-13 4:39 p.m.

and so, being unbelievably sleepy and tired and wanting nothing but to slump on the desk and doze off, i am driven to blog again.

but before i even came to this page a little voice in my head kept asking myself, is there something better i should be doing?

actually WORKING is not really an option.

i could be....watching videos. but wait i've already done that.

i could be....researching for more masters programs. but im boredddd of that. and i've more or less found the suitable ones already anyway. now i just need to get in.

i could be....researching GRE prepatory materials. but i'd get to that i think i already have a pretty good idea what book i want to buy for that.

i could be....going to the office toilet and practicing my basic step or doing the isolation exercises.

but im tireddddd. i gymmed todayyyy. i just dont want toooooo.

so therefore i come to blog!

its amazing that i need to reassure myself that im really not wasting time by recounting this whole train of thought to myself again. if not the little voice in my head will keep nagging and telling me that i should be doing something else and making the most of my valuable youth which will be gone in a flash and then i'd be sorry i didn't go and do something useful and stretchy bendy that i can no longer do because im old and wrinkly.

but really, voice-in-my-head, there's nothing else better i can be doing right now. i SWEAR.

so now that i'm here, what do i want to talk about?

clearly i have nothing in mind because i just wrote like 10 paragraphs of a monologue to myself.

well perhaps just a quick update of what's been going on again.

it is february 13 2013 (a nice number in itself: 13022013) and we are ONE WEEK, ONE WEEK, from flying off to hong kong.

we are half glad that this is soon gonna be over and done with (and that we get 5 days of leave in the process he he he) but at the same time freaking out because we don't feel ready yet!

we had just recovered from the stupid foot injury last week and was all fired up and ready to practice to the death when we one morning woke up with a horribly horribly stiff and sore neck and upper back.

we were much horrified and till today, are befuddled as to what caused that sudden attack of the Supremely Stiff and Sore Neck.

we had 2 days of physiotherapy to deal with that stupid shit, missed a mock performance at union in the process (and therefore havent had a single mock performance yet!!!! of EITHER choreo!!!!) and then proceeded to go through chinese new year which we were rather unenthusiastic about. this year, we didn't get a single new item of clothing because we were too poor to afford anything new and the parents were too pissed over the fact that we spent $125 on the physiotherapy sessions (what odd priorities, right). new clothes never meant much to us anyway and neither did that silly chinese new year tradition so we wore something that we had already worn for chinese new year 2 or 3 years ago and made do with that. and felt no remorse for the lack of new clothes. but plenty of remorse for having to see every relation in singapore again.

so that went back in an annoying flash of answering nosy questions and eating lots and lots of food we dont like, and now its a work day again and we're all bored again.

oh one good thing did come out of this chinese new year though, we learnt how to play poker! albeit in a rather slow, retarded fashion. but we finally understood the general rules of a card gambling game! after such a long time of being intrigued (but not enough to commit to learning) about blackjack poker bridge and etc.

we quite enjoy the game actually, and have made up our minds to go and do a little research on the combinations to look out for and strategies etc.

oh that's something to do after im done blogging here.

sooooo. what else.

well there's really not much else. contrary to popular belief (or what i believe is popular belief) my life is actually very boring.

how can it be! you say. how can having a full time job and practicing the rest of your time away be boring at all!

as exciting as that sounds (har har) it actually is pretty boring!

you wake up you go to work you stone at the desk you pretend to do something useful you go to the gym at lunch you come back after lunch dead sleepy you play draw something a little you stone some more you go to train after work you finish training you go back home you eat the whole fridge you fall onto bed you sleep and then you wake up and repeat the whole thing.

it is quite boring, indeed.

but what can i do that would be a better use of my time?

watch tv? watch movies? hang out with people and have meaningless conversation? spend money i dont have buying things i dont need? consume expensive foul tasting liquid that burns my throat and destroys my liver?

no sirree, i guess i'd rather train.

and that is probably why i dont have a semblance of a social life, hardy har har.

strangely i usually dont feel the lack of it.

social interaction is overrated.

who needs friends when you have a blog and can talk to the voices in your head.

on that optimistic note, i shall sign off and continue pretending to work because i have grown bored of blogging as well.

summer & winter