i can no longer think of a heading

2013-02-14 11:29 a.m.

my my i must be liking this blogging thing now.

but it'd probably last another week or so before i get bored of it like i do with any other pastime/hobby i've ever tried to pick up besides dancing.

soooo what shall i randomly type about today!

im sure my readers - namely myself at various ages - are very much interested in what i have to say now.

well again i dont really have much to share with my various future selves.

OH except that i have regained my ability to doze off! not that it was really a problem in JC but somehow i lost it during uni (maybe something to do with the fact that i slept 9-10 hours a day? just maybe) but now its BACK.

happy for this little ability to rejoin me because it saves me from unwanted boredom (how i have wished i could fall asleep in church sometimes) but at the same time i only magically acquire this ability when i feel like shit.

which i do now, obviously.

so after half an hour of uncomfortably shifting about in my chair in various stages of semi- to quasi-consciousness, i have decided to shake myself up (literally) and do something.

work is, again, not really an option.

so i went on facebook! a much better alternative.

and happened to chance by a little speech by nicole seah about the white paper.


apparently she's supposed to be the lesser of two stupids in the political system here.

well i read the speech and...well.

i dont really have much to say.

disappointing, isn't it. why did i even paste it here then, when my interest in singapore politics is about as strong as my interest in working.

well i just really wonder why it is all these politicians can never get their grammar right. its quite baffling.

not that my own grammar is PERFECTO but im just babbling on a random blog that nobody ever sees!

but anyway, it does amuse me a little that that little speech can get people so riled up and going YES! Nicole seah is RIGHT! she is SMART!

the points really arent that stunning. and it was a biiiiit too personal.

i dont have any counter points because i know next to nothing about singapore politics but i am sure the opposition (oh wait am i referring to the PAP as the opposition) can easily churn out lots of counter points to those points.

well im getting a bit tired of having to frantically minimize this page whenever someone walks by. don't need any more of these bitchy aunties bitching about my slacking off (btw future selves? these bitchy aunties have been bitching about your work clothes and how they're 'too skimpy' and it got to your supervisor who was luckily very very nice about it but still you have sworn to try and find out who it was that bitched. hopefully you really did.)

summer & winter