last hurrah

2008-01-01 8:22 p.m.

i have found the lethal combination for burning carbs.

begin by sleeping obscenely late (say about 6am) and waking up late but not obscenely so (like 1pm) so you feel funny, like tired and not tired at the same time.

so when you decide to have breakfast/lunch you wont have much of an appetite and eat very little.

then begin your hectic day which should generally involve vigorous physical activity that will keep you busy enough to forget dinner.

then go home and repeat the whole cycle.

voila, 2 kg gone!

(bad news when you didnt weigh all that much to begin with.)

anyway! today dionne and i performed on1 for the first time at bedok.

the performance was at 11am and there was practice scheduled at 9am, which on second thought wasnt the greatest of ideas considering some of us slept at 6am the day before.

i remembered laughing when i set my alarm and it kindly informed me that i had 1 hour 45 minutes of sleep left.

the next thing i remembered was the sound of my ringtone entering my conscienceness.

only upon opening my eyes did i realize that it was 10am.

how i slept through my alarm still remains a mystery (i used a high school musical song as my alarm sound!).

soo i zoomed all the way down to chinatown (even doing makeup on the taxi much to the driver's bemusement) forgetting half the things i needed to bring (including one very important undergarment).

but yea thankfully the important undergarment was gotten without TOO much embarrassment (to me and dionne anyway, ha) and we made our way to bedok with no further mishap (because everything that could go wrong had already gone wrong.)

only when we arrived at the destination (a little sheltered area in the middle of a wet market) did i realize how wrong i was.

apparently ppl usually invite lion dancers to commemorate the opening of shops, not newbie hip hop/salsa dancers who dont exactly know the choreo so well and are not really comfortable with having an audience who has eyes peeled for costume mishaps.

on1 wasnt too bad but me and dionne's hip hop item was a disaster. the pistol shot didnt sound, my costume apparently rode up and um exposed more than need be seen and my unhealthy lifestyle finally took a toll (i felt like collapsing after my solo, which marked just 1/3 of the whole choreo).

only later (after i found myself swaying a bit while walking and falling asleep twice in a movie) did i come to the conclusion that i was in desperate need of food and sleep.

heey when your brain is half-starved you tend to come to conclusions slower.

i actually have a lot of pictures and videos (including the wee dip which gave me a burn at the junction where my arm meets my shoulder, an abrasion at the back of my arm and bruises at my back and shoulder. and we havent even done it properly yet) but since SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW i had better go now.


summer & winter