
2008-02-22 8:40 p.m.

first day at aj!

well i dont know what to say about it. except that its so-so.

like i didnt ABHOR it the way i did with cj but i didnt LOVE it the way i did with...


come to think of it i have yet to love any school.

but that's besides the point.

what i really liked about the place was the great number of nan hua people there!

like i'd turn around and see the 90th anniversary shirt or the sec 3 adventure camp shirt or, in one case, my own class t shirt.

so exciting.

oh yes and i thought it was rather funny the way they named their ogls OGFs.

in AC it was Orientation Group Leaders (ogls).

in CJ it was Facilitators (facils).

and in AJ?

it is Orientation Group Facilitators (ogfs).

very weird.

i also came to realize that i havent changed much, in terms of physical appearance, from young.

when i bumped into a random ogf and she went 'dawn?' i thought she was mistaken.

then she said 'it IS you! do you remember me?' and i started a long errrr hoping to stall some time whilst mentally going through the faces i know in cj, ac, nan hua, church, xen, hip hop crew...

'never mind you dont remember. im monica from nanyang primary.'

riight the one place i didnt think of.

but the fact that my classmate from PRIMARY TWO can recognize me is rather scary.

and and and i also noted - with barely suppressed mirth - that whilst cj galored in games that involved pressing students of opposite gender's body parts together with only a wet sponge ball in between (left foot to left testicle, face to groin, to name a few) and having the glued-together pair hobble to a bucket and SQUEEZE the water out of the wet sponge ball using abovementioned 2 body parts ONLY, aj reinforced this rule in their games: no physical contact, they didnt want anyone's modesty breached.

oh, how i have moved up in the world.

but cj and aj have one thing in common though.

their mass dance sucks.

well with that said and done i shall end this entry here.


summer & winter