friday once in a while

2006-09-15 5:56 p.m.

i just saw a video about crows in japan.

background info for those who know nothing about crows: they eat nuts but they arent strong enough to crack the nut themselves.

so what these wily japanese crows apparently do is, they drop their nuts on the busy roads of japan, wait for the traffic to crunch up the nut for them and then swoop down to eat the stuff up.

not the most brilliant of schemes, yes? most of the time the bird gets crunched up as well.

so what they do is, they drop the nut on the pedestrain crossings, wait for the nut to get crunched, and instead of idiotically flying down to eat in the middle of traffic they wait for the light to turn red and the traffic to stop.

hm. must b interesting living in japan, watching crows wait for traffic lights.

anyway, today was the only day i ever took an interest in the friday weekly, to the extent of reading it (or rather just one particular article) whilst walking in the rain.

and NO its not that dumb grass and flowers thing everyone is so crazy about.

and apparently today was the only day dionne actually READ a chinese article, haha, because she treated the paper like an alien object.

what has us (and yz) so interested? read it and find out!

summer & winter