unsatisfactorily short

2008-12-25 11:04 p.m.

'tis the season for unexplained weirdness.

why so, you ask?

because of santa claus, of course!

isnt the concept of a fat balding man dropping down the chimney into your house a very disturbing one?

i shall leave you to ponder this bit of philosophy.

(which is of course not the real weirdness im talking about.)


i know you're dying to know what i did for christmas and christmas eve.

(by you i mean the old wrinkly me 50 years from now who is reading this in great anticipation.)

so, old wrinkly me, let me refresh your memory.

on christmas eve, we went to xen!!

actually we went to a great many places but xen was the most interesting.

before that we were at singapore poly for the church rally thing, where we were baffled as to what all the weirdoes were doing at the start.

after the thing started we rushed off after 45 minutes to go to xen because we thought that social would have started by then, only to realize upon entering that dionne and brenda were playing MAHJONG with the other xen people.

so we joined them for a while but soon realized our advice was crappy and so wandered outside to check the crowd out, only to realize there werent many ppl to dance with, contrary to SOME IDIOT'S* prediction.

and so, after they had finished 3 games of mahjong (with dionne winning 2) we (not inclusive of old wrinkly me now) realized we were in a predicament because 1) they werent playing salsa music a lot 2) even when they WERE there werent people to dance with.

which is how, after we had exhausted the meagre supply of danceable people, we ended up doing 3-way-merengue and alternately doing bachata with brenda.

after that we left quite early because there simply wasnt much to do, all the while deeply regretting our decision not to go to union, once again due to the advice of SOME IDIOT*.

and now, christmas day!

we got woken up at 10am in a very bad mood because we had only fallen asleep at 6am the night before due to an unfortunate hit of insomnia, and so started christmas day feeling cranky and sleep-deprived.

we then went house-visiting at the Ms where we alternated between being very bored and very bored, because everyone ate for a very long time and then reviewed old holiday videos for an even longer time.

we later realized that some people (and one dog - ours) were playing basketball outside and briefly pondered the possiblity of joining it, quickly abandoning the notion after remembering that we cannot shoot.

we then wondered if it would be possible to get them to change the game to something more fun, like CATCHING.

after that thought we spent some time in self-reflection, trying to determine whether it was weird that we - then already 17 - was still interested in playing catching.

we reached no conclusion and resigned ourselves to boredom after a while.

we later discovered that our dog's pulse could apparently only be felt on her inner thigh and had a brief, amusing thought of how scandalous the business of pulse-taking would be if humans ran by the same system.

after that we went to the next house, where we did nothing interesting enough for us to remember now.

a couple of pictures to end my lengthy, boring entry.

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a merry christmas and a happy new year to you too.

*still have a score to settle with SOME IDIOT who said all the regulars would be at xen.

summer & winter