salsa congress

2008-12-20 3:24 p.m.

oh oh the video is up!


the whole thing is actually a musical and our item is the second or third one so you might have to wait a long time whilst the thing loads.

so please press the play button before continuing to scroll down, dont be an idiot.

first item is bianca and the insane caucasian guy who splits like nobody's business.

after that i cant really remember, i think its the diva belly thing.

and then its US!!

in case you cant really figure out why we're all wearing different costumes its because we're all representing a different genre of dance.

the first theme is sexy hip hop, as apparent by the fact that we are using WOMANIZER, represented by brenda who is dressed as such.

after that is lyrical jazz, represented by dionne who isnt really dressed appropriately. but oh well.

third up is lyrical hip hop, headed by bianca whose costume is pretty ambiguous, like dionne's.

and then its me - sigh - as the cheerleader since im representing the high school musical portion.

because i CHOREOGRAPHED it, not because i wanted to.

by now the video should have loaded sufficiently.

i wonder why its taken like that.

who's idea was it to zoom in?


it actually quite sucks.

oh well.

performance no.2 today.


summer & winter