general prude

2008-05-09 9:44 p.m.

i know what i blogged in my previous entry, dont tell me.

but yes as i feel rather good about my gp essay here i am!

but of course feeling good about the essay doesnt exactly mean i'd do well in it.

but today i finally refound my groove in writing, which was stolen away by aj's mindless spoonfeeding of insane acronyms designed to break every single little thing down so all of us can crank out at least a point-fulfilling essay - if not a fantastic one - as long as we memorize the formats.

idiot-proof, so they call it.

there is an acronym for paragraph writing, an acronym for question analysis, one for seemingly no reason at all and another billion more i forgot or did not hear about (my gp tutor has a wonderfully soporific voice).

break everything down to little bits and pieces, acronym everything, force detailed written plans of essays on everyone (because our teeny brains are incapable of retaining information for more than 5 minutes) - basically forcefeed a fixed, ramrod-inflexible template down the students' throats - that is aj's way to go.

what their idiot-proof method did was take away my flow in writing.

instead of just writing whatever came to mind i started thinking 'am i fulfilling that PEEEL thing. point elaboration etc etc? and WDMS. what was it again? then TICKS. and fleas. ABCDEFG...'

as a result my essay turned out choppy and weird and didnt even fulfil the basic requirements of the question.

and they wonder why aj's english is so bad.

i say, ENOUGH with the acronyms. english is not MEMORIZED! give it a rest, we are not MORONS we dont need to be spoonfed every little thing and we certainly did not need 5 weeks to learn how to PARAPHRASE.

so today because of the surprise test sprung on us i decided enough was enough, declared myself anti-idiot and just wrote like i would in secondary school.

basically, think-write-think-write, not think-think-think-think-think-think-think-write.

and it was just wonderful, being back in the flow of things. i had finished a whole page when my fellow peers were still laboriously starting their second paragraph (because they had done their before-essay neurotic planning and were writing according to it) and had enough time left after finishing to go through and collate my tutor's list of pronunciation errors.

so because i just wrote like i would as a normal person and not an acronym-ridden psycho my essay invariably turned out casual and more than a little flippant, plus i did THE UNTHINKABLE: asked questions.

yes i KNOW its the unthinkable. but i did it all the same.

because im sure cambridge will gasp and go 'oh my heavens a QUESTION, the insolence! no marks!'

but who cares! it FLOWSSSSS.

so it may not (emphasis on MAY NOT) fulfil the requirements. but what does that matter when it FLOWSSSSS?

i have 2 years to learn how to fulfil the requirements. but learning to write a smooth essay will take you guys decades.

im eager to get that essay back. if only to see 'what were you THINKING?!' written across it.

how fun.

well with that settled i shall go busy myself with more important issues than gp now.


summer & winter