tear it down

2009-06-22 5:29 p.m.


please vote, people, i desperately need your help im totally not done studying for my mid years (which will occur THE MINUTE SCHOOL STARTS) yet!

(i dont have to tell you which option to vote for, do i.)

to add on to my misery level - already as high as my pile of un-studied schoolwork - is the fact that im sick.

although i have been enjoying some of the perks of having flu in the middle of the flu season (dramatically coughing on the train so the radius around me widens and seats appear, blowing loudly when queuing for stuff so the queue diminishes before my eyes, etc etc) it does get in the way of studying a bit.

and it just so happens that, right smack in the middle of my pain and suffering (im not talking about the flu but the studying for mid years) xen starts having the salsa congress and 2nd fashion show.

sooo amidst sweating over my flu and sweating over the fact that i cant finish studying, i also sweat because i cannot, but want and should, go to xen to practice for the few choreos im performing.

(because one is not even DONE YET and the other has been changed so much i barely recognize it anymore. and the 3rd one is merged with the 1st one. random point.)

and then of course i also sweat when i am at xen itself, on the rare occasion that i can go.

so yea, im sweating a lot. here's to those who think i dont have sweat glands.

i would go into further detail how irritating it is to know that i cant take part in the 2nd fashion show nor any of the workshops during the congress because of the studying but i think you, my dear reader, have better things to do than listen to my whining.

i AM, however, going to whine more about my disgusting flu!

and the fact that it is a double-edged sword because, much as i want it to last all the way till next week so maybe i can skip school and mid years, that would also mean i'd be accompanied by it during the congress.

and i learnt today that trying to do hip hop when you're all wheezy and weak-kneed and unable to do head tosses or turn because of the ever-present mucus and the ever-present fear of its unplanned escape from your nose plus the inability to continuously suck it in because you are, as abovementioned, wheezy, is quite impossible.

which is ANOTHER very annoying fact in itself because not only do i face numerous problems with appearing at xen already i ALSO have to face the fact that i cant even practice properly or full out when im there because of my annoying flu!

are you seeing stars?

did you try to read those two paragraphs without taking a breath?


yes i know you feel like killing me right now - not only did you have to endure my everlasting problems and whining but i have just done the unthinkable - called you dumb.



deal with it.

and so ends my very cranky entry.

summer & winter