
2007-07-19 9:06 p.m.

so today i went to my first symphony.

well i actually doubt it was my first, i have a vague impression of having been dragged to something excruciatingly boring when i was about 6 or 7.

although i still didnt enjoy myself this time, it wasnt excruciatingly boring either.

to begin with, the crowd was a really dignifed, classy bunch, so in an attempt to blend in my mom and i arrived fashionably late -not on purpose- and entered the grand concert hall with everyone staring.

right on cue, my shoe broke when we were halfway to our seats.

oh, so dignifying.

deciding that hobbling would be even more unglam, i took off the offending shoe and walked the rest of the way amidst the black-suit-and-tie crowd with one barefoot and head held high.

reasonably high.

and that was just the beginning.

the show itself was pretty good too.

it was really entertaining watching a bunch of dignifed adults on stage all agitatedly and energetically waving sticks in the air together.

in fact it was funny enough watching all the sticks wiggle in unison.

then there was the even more dignified, wizened-looking conductor wearing a serious black suit, whose feet barely touched solid ground for more than a few minutes at a time; he was so excitedly jumping up and down.


he was airborne most of the time.

i had a premonition he was going to fall off his podium.

it came true.

nah im just kidding.

then there was that dreamy-looking lady who drifted onto the stage in the middle of a song.

i thought she was lost.

then she started to sing.

a few people glanced nervously at the lights.

between that, and almost being suffocated by the odour of thousands of colognes and perfumes mixed together, my mom and i were pretty glad to escape during the intermission.

i had a lovely voyage round the esplanade with my one barefoot.

yes, people, its the new fashion nowadays.you should all try it too.

that's all from me, taa.

summer & winter