reds, greens and blues

2006-08-20 12:00 a.m.

argh i have disobedient feet.

somehow my feet gets influenced by the environment and completely ignores their owner's orders.

10 minutes at xenbar (SITTING DOWN) puts more strain on them than an hour of walking home from school.

its a psychological thing. that is, if feet have minds to begin with.

maybe i AM demoralized. haha, ive let my 'shifu' down.

but of course the environment was not the sole factor, rather the PEOPLE in it were. esp this one persistent little fly who kept buzzing around me, brimming with criticisms and not-so-witty, offensive jokes. ive seen pigs that were more sensitive.

or rather, i have not, considering this person is a BOAR. (inside joke. if you dont get it means you're not inside.)

i shall now end this entry of complaint.

oh it is now the very last minute of tan min's 15th birthday. happy birthday for the last time till next year.

summer & winter