pioneer of science

2007-01-31 9:55 p.m.

today, in a bid to help mankind get down stairs in a much faster, energy-saving way, i courageously risked the welfare of my ankles on a leaping-down-the-stairs-3-at-a-time experiment.

of course all experiments come with experimental errors, and this one ended with me valiantly spraining my ankle in the name of science.

a state most undesirable, as i had pe the next period and dance after school.

but me being the brave pioneer of science i ignored the stupid ankle and made it through the day, only to discover now that i have half a ping pong ball posing as my right ankle.

mankind had better be grateful to me for this.

anyway. it was fun as usual today. we got there early and learnt that, by confidentally entering as if we owned the place nobody would stop us, unlike uncertainly hovering near the doorway, where we would b ordered to wait outside.

dionne and i practiced neckdrop on each other, something we've done in school (much to the bafflement of all witnesses) loads of times and still cannot get used to the extreme weirdity of such a thing. here is a picture of a neckdrop, which strangely is circulating the net.

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doesnt it look terrifying. imagine having your precious head tossed around in such an undignified manner.

during shine the teacher was absent so bianca took over, and because i heard this word so many times i decided to check it up on the dictionary for a real definition.

definition of anal: exhibiting or typifying personality traits (as frugality and obstinacy) held to be psychological consequences of toilet training.

needless to say that is completely mind-boggling.

during advance bleach taught the class, which dionne and i alternated roles as leader and follower continuously, to the point where one person commented:

'wa how come you 2 keep changing, like magic you know!'

and we dont even need wands.

summer & winter