happily ever after

2008-02-15 8:53 p.m.

old disney cartoons rock.

the little mermaid, cinderella, beauty and the beast etc etc still rule with their happily ever afters, subtle humor and great songs.

they so beat the newfangled digital animation showing on cartoon network nowadays of lame characters acting stupid, sad excuses of storylines and jokes so dumb they insult the human intelligence.

what is happening to the world?!

anyway, on a more random note.

today i realized the extent of ACS's influence when i found out that just about everyone from my hip hop class had some form of a connection to it.

one of my fellow students is a j3 from acjc, the other had freshly graduated from acs ib, and apparently the daughter of the school owner (who is also a hip hop teacher there) is a j3 as well.

it seems like everybody, save for the nanhua ppl currently IN ac for pae, are so completely and utterly pro-ac.

i am befuddled.

the idea of ac is bright and rosy but actually GOING there is another matter altogether.

to me, anyway.

yes yes i know my class is so nice im so evil etc etc but i am soo ready for a change.

which is why i put ac as my second choice - that being the supposed 'smart' decision - fervently hoping i wouldnt get in.

then i can say oh well i tried, i just didnt succeed, and nobody will be able to nag at me in years to come, bringing this up and telling me i made the wrong decision.

so whenever people come up to me and say 'hey i heard ac's lowering the cutoff to partial 6' or 'you know the success rates for general appeal is not very high' i will draw my brows together, wrinkle my nose and say 'ohhhh....' in the appropriate resigned disappointed tone whilst silently whoop-dee-dooing inside.

ppl tell me to join acsian theatre. but its not acting if nobody knows you're doing it.

. anyway! questions will be solved SOOOON the results will be out THIS COMING TUESDAY and i may or may not be ponning school depending on my mood (which of course depends on what school im posted to).

so if u see me in school on tuesday that means im very happy, which just means that i am no longer staying at ac.

so on a brighter note, dionne and i have decided to shed our old girly hip hop look and go for the MACHO look instead because it is undeniably so much cooler!

(or maybe we're just getting more violent and this is a good outlet to express it. come on, offend me and see what happens.)

so if u see any macho hip hop videos do show it to me.

(or dionne. but me first!)

and on that note i end this entry.


summer & winter