money, money ,on the wall

2006-04-04 3:48 p.m.

so maybe i was a LITTLE mistaken.

ballet DOES seem to b the basis of dance.

and most pros do indeed have a background in ballet.

oh well. big difference it makes.

anyway, the last few days were pretty dull. on sunday we had the usual blah blah things. im starting to dislike the cell group discussion stuff. most of the time its deathly quiet with one person speaking, and when you're sharing you're supposed to give your innermost opinion and thoughts about whatever the topic of discussion is. overall, its very very boring.

ppl-watching during the sermon has become a regularity. there are some....interesting habits of the 1520 ppl dora and i unearthed after 3 months.

after sermon huilun's cell group along with david were going to watch ice age 2, so dora and i decided to join them. but before that sean david and i had to go for lunch at some funny restaurant place to mark their departure on tuesday, aka today.

the food was relatively ok, not as weird as i thought it would b. i played pictionary and taboo (the standard game for when you're out with nothing but napkins and a pen) with sean and seth, because david was busy twisting and turning his drink can into a mangled mess. in the end i threw it away without his notice because it had really sharp edges and kept getting blown dangerously close to me. it was soo funny hearing him question everyone about the whereabouts of his, um, masterpiece.

well then we went back to church, met up with dora huilun fum and the rest of their weird cell group. they were fooling around in the tuition place, doing dumb dangerous stuff like walking on the second floor roof which was made of nothing more than a few pieces of shaky plastic.

then we discovered that the 4.20 movie slot they were going for was already fully booked, leaving no space for me and dora because they had already pre-booked. so we decided to go to bugis junction to watch our own movie instead.

before we left the china guy said something i THINK was meant to b an insult but i dont really get. he said that ice age might b too difficult for me to watch. him, whose english is so lousy he didnt even know what deception meant? who couldnt do a simple comprehension passage? plus ice age is a CARTOON. so the insult is so irrelevant i dont really get it. plus he said it with a perfectly straight face and didnt laugh afterwards. weirdo.

anyway it turned out there was an even better time slot at bugis junction! 4 o clock. ha.

the movie wasnt really THAT funny. most of the laughs were initiated by the squirrel thing who kept chasing his acorn.

almost all movie prequels are better than the sequels.

that was sunday. monday, nothing interesting happened.

today, yz and i found this empty correction tape reel which we used to try to sweep off the coins on the 'wishing wall.' there must b at least $1 worth of coins up there, in ten and five cents. at least half the 5 cent population was contributed by yz.

well of course it didnt work, being literally feather-light and all. so we decided to tie on more things to give it weight but then didnt have enough time to retry after school, sheesh. it had to b put off till tomorrow.

school days are so dull.

summer & winter