you will never walk alone

2009-07-28 11:05 p.m.

it surprises me more than anyone but i actually watched the 2nd half of the football match on sunday with great interest, though not really understanding what went on half the time.

though i was initially very pissed with the stupid liverpool-singapore match because it meant there was no sunday prime movie, i still stayed by the tv anyway hoping that they'd still slot in a movie sometime.

plus there'd been so much buzz over fernando torres in the newspaper (yes i read the sports section because i had too much breakfast to eat and there wasn't enough of the life section to read) that i was mildly curious as to what it was all about.

i also wanted to see how badly the singapore team would crash and burn because there had been a funny little excerpt in the newspaper where reporters had asked the liverpool players how much they expected to win by and called their 2-0 answer 'being polite'.

which was true, seeing as they later won 5-0.

but somehow i ended up being quite hooked to the game after about 5 minutes of half-hearted watching, since it was pretty cool how the team i was supporting - i decided to side liverpool after considering the winning odds - kept scoring.

but the whole fernando torres buzz seemed completely blown out of proportion because he didn't seem to do anything but leisurely jog around a small section of the field the entire time, and the ONE goal he scored looked way too easy, even for someone who knows jack diddly about football like moi.

considering the amount of crowd support he had (they roared every time he got the ball) it was quite pathetic, really, for someone who's supposedly some awesome big shot.

wasn't anything spectacular like how some other dude hit the ball in with his head.

(i wonder how that felt. ball to foot to head.)

in the end the match ended on quite a dull note; no one was kicked out (no one was even kicked), there was no dramatic spectacular final-goal-just-when-the-clock-strikes-midnight; no one even ran around with arms outstretched like superman.

i DID laugh at the very end though when liverpool were receiving their medals, because the commentator (in a rare stroke of wit) said 'well im not going to pretend that those are going to be precious to the guys but they DID enjoy their asia tour.'

and then when some guy was lifting up their giant trophy: 'jamie must be tired, he usually lifts it higher than that.'

i know, i watch football for all the wrong reasons.

summer & winter