lizard's anatomy

2007-12-06 1:20 a.m.

there, ive removed the lock on my blog.

not that my previous entries were any more scandalous or juicy than usual, the lock simply served to hide the fact that i was too lazy to update.

but since i have nothing better to do and an apparent inability to sleep at times when i am supposed to sleep (my body makes up for it during sermons and speeches) i have decided to update my stale, stagnant, cobwebby website!

my house is infested with pests.

yes i realize that's a bit random. live with it.

i open a cupboard door and a cockroach glares at me impudently. i leave something edible unattended for a minute and ants make it their new home.

i shower and a lizard stares at me.

not so long ago that would have been cause to scream and shout the house down and section the toilet off for extermination for a few decades.

now i just roll my eyes and turn my back on the perverted lizard.

i am secure in the knowledge that, if things get out of hand, i can always bring out the big guns.

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behold, the cold-blooded brutal KILLING MACHINE.

do not be fooled by the big eyes and fluffy face. behind that innocent facade lies a savage beast, terror to all that is small and squashable.

here is a glimpse of what would happen to you if you were said small and squashable.

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the definition of a hatchet man is one hired for murder, coercion, or attack. therefore i conclude that ginger is a hatchet dog.

and a very good one, at that.

nowadays all it takes is one yell to send my four-footed furry assassin running.

and then what used to be a lizard would be that icky stuff we sweep off the floor and clean off her whiskers.

so all of you out there with a pest problem, there's no need to call for an exterminator.

just get yourself a jack russell terrier.

they're fast, efficient, (take much pleasure in killing the pests), and only require a dog treat when the job is done.

problem solved.

summer & winter