
2008-12-05 5:35 p.m.

i am sooooo tired.

and i wasted money today.

how sad.

not in the sense that i dropped it in the drain or whatever but more because i didnt go for something i didnt want to but could have gone for.

there's a chinese expression about 白吃不白吃 or something like that, and that would be apt right about now.

kind of sounds like moron not moron though, doesnt it.

just another one in the whole compost heap of weird chinese expressions.

anyway! today brenda and i FINISHED OUR 4 MIN 2 SEC CHOREOGRAPHY in FULL and we are insanely proud of ourselves because we not only came up with the entire choreography (save for dionne's hotshot part) we even thought of formations for all 4 of us throughout the song and our final (incredibly complex - believe me) pose.

added to the fact that we had already finished discussing the costume and concept, and you get the idea that we are mighty pleased with ourselves.

so pleased were we that we decided to do yet another choreo, but this time for 3 only.

(and that means your friend is not included, buffa.)

so in the spirit of this new choreo idea we started trying the adios jump, but with both of us jumping instead of one lifting the other in the air.

i didnt even know it was possible until justin came around, noted with faint amusement what we were doing and told us that he had seen it being done once before.


doesnt really put it into the realm of the possible for me, but oh well im a pessimist.

we each tried the actual jump with him and it was so insanely scary the height at which he could lift both of us.

at the apex of the jump its like hello there you mere mortals.

which makes me wonder how yanqing feels, seeing as she's lighter and can jump much higher.

anyway. after that i went over to studio wu though i was half dead, and somehow or other managed to survive through another 2 classes.

and that's saying something because i dont know if its a policy or anything but it seems all the teachers just have to start the class with stretching and crunches and all the strength exercises.

which is all good and well and fun when you're in good spirits and health but when you're half dead and cranky with it the warmups just suck.

'just 6490268290682 more crunches to do, no sweat! come on faster higher harder!'

just makes you feel like giving the eager perky hyper teacher the evil eye.

after that i initially intended to go for the adv beg class (which was the MAIN POINT of my going because the intro classes are oh-so-boring) but after sitting outside the class for about 15 minutes wondering why on earth the previous class was taking so long to finish their cooling down, i had my revelation.

that life is short and that i shouldnt be wasting my youth.

you didnt actually believe that, did you?

hardy har har.

my actual revelation was that never in my (short) time at studio wu had any teacher ever done cool-downs.

apparently the class transition between the previous class and my class had taken place so smoothly i had missed out on it.

in the end i decided to just leave rather than barge in near the end of the warm-ups, because i remembered how i had done the same 3-classes-in-a-row thing last week and the red sea worth of sweat i had produced at the end of it, all of which was generated in that class.

and since i was already teeter-tottering on my feet i decided to not risk going in and coming out in a stretcher.

and all the cushy spots in front had already been taken, i'd be left at the back dodging around people like the whole bollywood coconut tree thing.

well that's all from me today, till the next time i have something to complain about, taa!!

summer & winter