Beef and pork

2011-02-10 1:05 a.m.

today I realized, cheesy as it sounds, how much my life has been intertwined with someone else's.

because I decided to reuse my old secondary school homework diary (just cause it's the prettiest one ive ever owned) and because it was never JUST a homework diary but a book-which-everyone-passed-around-and-scribbled-nonsense-on I got to relive my nhhs days and all the ridiculous things I dreamed up in the time I spent not listening in class (which, incidentally, was a lot) plus the comments the rest of my clique had on said ridiculous things.

and I realized how far we had gone from hanging ourselves like pieces of meat off the monkey bars at the fitness area just to see who could hang longer till today.

I can barely imagine that it's the same pieces of meat having conversations like that now.

it's really depressing to hear such things and quite scary (at one moment) but I guess it's a part of growing up.

but we'd come through at the end of the day.

and become cooked.

summer & winter