4 minute

2010-12-26 4:21 a.m.


a time for joy a time for giving and a time for flying off to ahtiongland.

i would be highly highly miserable for flying off at this prime celebration time if not for the fact that we're going there to SNOWBOARD!!

(or ski. depending on whether you want your feet on one piece of wood or two.)

as it is im only highly miserable, not highly squared.

there couldnt be a worse time to disappear (to ahtiongland, whats more) than NOW.

soo many things i want to do.

new place to go, new classes to try, new people to see, new toilets to er get accustomed to.

but of course i'd miss the old.

old haunt old friends old idol old classes old lifestyle.

but oh well, life continues and people move on.

i will be back in 8 days and the craziness shall continue.

what will i do without dance in my life.

it will be a boring existence.

to end off here is The Video of our union performance.


it is (duh) a rehearsal video because as performances go the real thing is seldom ever better than the very last practice, i have come to realize.

sad fact of life is it not.

anyway, this is supposed to be 'a fun and energy-infused choreography by brenda and dawn from attitude dance studio which draws inspiration from korean pop and western style hip hop with lots of new flavors added in' quotation marks because i know nobody listened to the introduction except for me.

but this is, in fact, a choreography celebrating Long and Curly Hair.

check it out!!

one step away from hair commercial.

if you havent got it yet, you know what to do.

all i want for christmaaaaas, is longandcurlyhairlikebrendaanddawn's.

gosh after reinvigorating my brain from studying im so full of nonsense i cant stop myself.

alright i shall leave you wanting, and REALLY sign off here.

more from ahtiongland when i get there.


summer & winter