2010-12-23 11:52 p.m.

today out of a burst of sympathy for my iphone i decided to go and get a cover for its poor miserable naked surface.

so i walked into the shop, got spotted by an attendant and was immediately ushered over to the section of glittery shiny rhinestoney iphone cases.

what the heck kind of vibe am i giving out???

then when the poor misguided attendant finally got that i was after a cover and not a case i was introduced to all the reflective shiny covers and this 'new shimmery diamond cover that is SO pretty dont you think?!'

never mind i told her that i didnt want fingerprints.

never mind that my eyes kept straying over to the price tag.

never mind that i was trying to portray a serious non-bimbo intellectual person.

never mind all that, because in the end i BOUGHT THE SHIMMERY COVER!!!!

yes it IS soooo pretty! and i just couldnt resist.

been cooing over my phone and fastidiously wiping it for the past 5 minutes.

but wait. something ELSE shiny this way comes.

i am distracted.

i shall continue this entry another time.


summer & winter