
2006-01-17 8:39 p.m.

i realized that some of my teachers have very interesting, weird words to share.

for example there is agaration which i presume means doing something anyway, anyhow.

and then there is chimalogy which sounds like chimpalogy which is ultimately insulting because it refers to us as low-iq chimps.

probably how the word chim evolved in the first place.

well well. i have just broken my.....let me see.....fifth bracelet. i just cant seem to keep them in good condition. they keep snagging on something because i wear them all the time, and i mean REALLY all the time.

how very annoying.

i realize this is completely random, but nothing interesting has happened nowadays.

and even if something interesting DOES happen its usually something offensive, which means i cant post it here.

maybe i should get my own private blog.

summer & winter