
2010-05-14 11:41 p.m.

After typing this entry FOUR FREAKING TIMES - I kid you not! � and having it disappear EACH FREAKING TIME and wasting a lot of time storming and cursing and jabbing my finger at my laptop for doing its spontaneous restart thing I finally decided to just write the whole stupid thing in Microsoft word and simply copy and paste at the end of it.

So at least if it decides to try its little restart trick again I�d be prepared since Microsoft always has a backup copy, ah-ha-ha-ha.

(that�s also why all the proper capslock are in place btw.)


Its hot and its cold and its everything in between here.

Its where everything really really tastes like mutton (even the chicken, which is amazing.)

It�s a poultry name itself.

Its TURKEY!!!!!!

The only thing I knew about turkey before I came here was that its capital is Istanbul (I think?) and it was where Liverpool won some game and subsequently some cup during some not-so-long-time-ago competition.

Now that I was in Istanbul for a grand total of 1.5 days I know better.

I know its crowdeddddd, I know the traffic is INSANE, I know that there are lots of shops looking to rip tourists off, I know there are lots of mosques, I know they pray (very loudly and prolongedly) at least 3 times a day, I know the internet connection SUCKS.

And, er, that�s about it.

There honestly wasn�t much to do in Istanbul besides look at all the mosques and really, once you�ve seen one you�ve seen them all � they don�t differ much in terms of interest level, really. After spending 1.5 days here walking around, looking at cool exotic-looking people, eating all the muttony-tasting things, trying shisha (so fun!) we kind of ran out of things to do since traffic was SO INSANE in case I didn�t mention it so sitting in the car for gazillions of years at a time was quite a buzzkill and we ended up flying out of Istanbul into CAPPADOCIA after said 1.5 days.

Honestly that wouldn�t be so bad until you realize we had endured FOURTEEN HOURS on the plane to GET to Istanbul in the first place � 7 from Singapore to dubai, 1 hour of refueling (where we had to stone IN the plane), and 5 more hours from dubai to Istanbul.

It was so horrific I ended up resorting to brenda�s method of stretching in public places and brought my leg up to my nose on the plane because there really wasn�t any other way of moving. As legs � especially mine � are typically longer than airplane seats im pretty sure at least my foot was poking up in full view from behind so I kinda wonder what the ppl behind made of the shoe pointing straight up to the ceiling but oh well, desperate times and all that.

Anyway cappadocia is proving to be a lot more fun than Istanbul simply because its COMPLETELY a tourist destination and the main attractions � which can only be explained in pictures � are SO COOL. But you shall remain in suspense because I haven�t got pictures yet and I don�t want to spoil it with inefficient verbal descriptions.

Its something to do with MOLE HOLES though.

We�ve been here for another 1.5 days and are leaving tomorrow.

Don�t ask.

Today I was woken up at the ungodly time of 5am by very loud, very prolonged, very annoying OOOOOOHHHHEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOHAAAAAAAAEEEEEEE that went on and on and on and on for 2 million years until I finally decided to just wake up and be done with it because a sound like that pierces into your head and rattles around like nobody�s business until you either feel like wailing along with them or throwing yourself off a cliff.

The thing about technology reaching here is that now they know how to PA-system their prayers across the entire land.

But anyway it wasn�t so bad today because we had to get up by 5.30am anyway for HOT AIR BALLOONING!!

The ungodly timing was because we were supposed to catch the sunrise in the balloon but by the time we actually got up in the air it was like noon already, so it was a barbeque up there. Being in the balloon was fun for about 45 minutes until you realize after a while that taking 100000 pictures of the scenery isn�t going to help you much since you�d go back and delete the majority of them ANYWAY except the rare few that you are actually IN so it starts to get a little boring.

But the picture-taking WAS quite fun, its just you don�t know what will become of them afterwards.

Anyway this is another experience not to be described in words so I shall just let the pictures do the talking when they come.

And that�s about all that�s been going on in turkeyyy.

Will someone please tell me whats going on in Singapore?

Besides some very ATROCIOUS happenings which might spell the beginning of a change in loyalty.

But I unfortunately have not been able to get the updates on that because im always online at the wrong time!! (5 hours time diff)

Will MISS BUFFA please email me about that issue if im not online???

Some Korean tourists just got here.

(koreaaaaaaan Brenda!!! No hot guys though.)

ok I shall go nowwww, we�re going to eat more muttony food.



summer & winter