fash hag

2007-02-04 4:18 p.m.

today was the day ive been waiting for since my brain developed enough to think.

i finally wore my first pair of dangly earrings, the main reason why i pierced my ears.

as soon as i slid the hooks into my ears the sun shone brighter, the air smelt fresher and the angels in heaven started singing.

walking out of the door with the earrings made me feel like a new person, and at that point of time i was more inclined to donate money and help old people cross the street than i had been, or will be, for the rest of my life.

too bad nobody asked.

at first the feeling of pieces of silver dangling from my ears was fun and interesting.

but as time got by the pieces of silver started feeling more like pieces of lead.

the irritatingly negative comments i got didnt help with it either.

toot dora said it didnt suit me.

fyi this doesnt bother me because, after all, it came from toot dora. im only writing it down to emphasize my point.

megan said i looked like a gangster.

this also doesnt bother me because last week, when i wore a pair of completely normal jeans and t shirt, she said i looked like a gangster too. she probably would still say i look like a gangster if i appeared in a long formal gown.

weien said some mumbo jumbo which i didnt get, but i got the impression that it was negative.

once again this does not bother me, because he also said my skirt was too short and should b knee-length.

is it me or does he resemble a nanny?

im sure his sisters agree with me.

so overall i guess im not really that bothered by it afterall.

i also grew to realize something. whenever i try on extravagant stuff like clothes, nail polish colors or in this case earrings, the only positive remarks i get are from dionne and huilun.

the negative comments come from...everyone else.

which goes to show that only dionne and huilun are as fashionable as i am!

congrats to them.

summer & winter