the rediscovery

2013-05-13 3:05 p.m.

i need to multitask when i eat.

its probably just something that developed into a really bad habit because i kept reading books while eating when i was younger but now i cant seem to

i have to either read something or watch something or talk to somebody (unless the somebody is my mom in which case i bring myself and my food somewhere else).

just engaging in the mere act of eating makes me feel like im wasting all that wonderful brain capacity i was so blessed with.

and therefore i have to do SOMETHING ELSE besides the primeval act of feeding myself.

but well in the office - as i am now, as is the only time i blog because i get bored out of my freaking mind - i have limited options because i cant exactly watch anything or read a book as i eat because that would be committing TWO cardinal sins at a go (eating, and clearly not working!), and really i'm only comfortable with committing one at a time.

therefore i need to stare at my laptop whilst i eat so the fellow office zombies believe i am diligently doing some very important work and only eating lunch in the office because i am so diligent i do not want to waste a minute of the working day eating out and getting less work done as a result.

and therefore i face this stupid dilemma.

what to read online?

trashy articles, trashy blogs, trashy facebook newsfeed?

(my insincere apology if you are a facebook friend of mine.)

in the end, i usually settle on just reading my own sparkling writing.

so narcissistic eh. but i just go back and read my own archives and marvel at how smart i used to be and am and will continue to be.

at the same time i relive my exciting childhood, full of complaints about my month-long internship (try a 6-month-long one, younger me!), how tired i get from classes at xen (try practicing every night and gymming in the afternoons and waking up early in the mornings for work, younger me!), how i wanna partner a guy for choreos so i can just follow in peace and not have to work so hard (just...nothing to say. at all.) and how i was so financially strapped i didnt eat proper meals (ok at least we fixed that ONE problem) and pretty much just how i always felt i had too little time and too much to do.

well. really. i could give younger me a kick in the ass.

on the bright side!

i rediscovered typing maniac, which i used to play all the time!

(in Spanish, nonetheless, because the english version was too easy for me.)

and just like that, my problems do not exist anymore.

i am off to type furiously in spanish now.


summer & winter