
2006-10-15 10:10 p.m.

yeesh sean's friendster profile sounds like he's delivering a teary thank-you speech to all the ppl in his life whilst receiving the oscar (or miss universe) award.

and i would like to thank
-Nick Quek-
-tt obvious peekaboo person*lame*-
-MrKevin*known as man*-
-Solihin*mr burger man*-
for always being there for me and supporting me through the good and bad times of my life. *sob sob*

anyway, whoever would have thought that members of parliament would take off their powdered white wigs and black robes, step out of the courtroom and go hip hop dancing? HA. next year's chingay is definitely worth watching.

anyway today i watched telladega nights with dora aka dodo, which turned out to b mildly comedic, very slap-your-forehead silly and a great insult to the french. before that we played bishi bashi which is becoming a weekly tradition before going back to church, debating whether or not to join the party thing at fifth floor and then deciding against it when we peeked in and saw them wearing little party hats, standing in a circle and playing games. hmmmm.

well other than that today hasnt been very entertaining. refer to fruity for tan min's elaboration of yesterday.

summer & winter