the art of self-entertainment

2007-01-13 4:01 a.m.

for lack of nothing better to do i shall write out a story based on things i can see.

one fine day, a pair of scissors walked to a biology notebook and asked 'what are you doing?'

the biology notebook replied: 'ive been lying on the table for days because the homework in me is too undesirable to be touched.'

the pair of scissors nodded solemnly and proceeded to the computer screen, which it poked with its leg.

the computer screen said ow and blinked.

the scissors laughed and resumed walking, only to trip over a round brush. the round brush snickered and retracted its bristle, then rolled off the table and fell to the floor when the scissors kicked it.

giggling to itself, the scissors continued its journey and met a furry bookmark with a dog head. it examined the bookmark and said 'ive only heard of dog-earring a book, not dog-heading one!'

laughing at its own wit, the scissors kept walking till it saw a swarovski crystal necklace. it preened itself in the reflective surfaces till the necklace got sick of being stared at and stuck its tongue out at the scissors before bouncing away.

feeling bored and suddenly energetic, the scissors decided to do some physical activity and started tap dancing. this went on for some minutes until the table realized what the scissors was doing and shouted the place down, complaining about its scarred surface.

the noise woke up nearby bottles of nail polish, who then decided to re enact a court scene and became judge cum jury cum lawyers. a discussion began about how the scissors should be dealt with.

'i say we KILL it!' vampire red said.

'toss it in the sea!' salmon pearl proclaimed.

'no, no, save its life!' crystal peach said in a wobbly voice.

the scissors rolled its eyes and went to stand next to vintage brown, beginning a discussion about human rights.

'humans are always right.' says vintage brown, steepling its fingers thoughtfully.

the scissors nodded agreeably. 'that is correct. humans always write, most of the time to relieve boredom!'

with that goal achieved, i hereby end this remarkable impromptu story.

the end.

summer & winter