in another nutshell

2006-01-01 3:17 p.m.

well here i am back in guangzhou after what, 4 days in shenyang? which were half totally fun, half torture.

i shall elaborate on the torture part first.

the weather is -22 there!!!! sooooo fun. but of course, that meant i had to wear LONGJOHNS, the ban of my existence there.

i simply HATE longjohns. even the most expensive ones, the ones that are supposedly so comfortable you forget that you're wearing them, makes me itch.

and then there are pullovers. UGH. itchy, scratchy, woolly pullovers.

and THEN the coat. the dreaded thing. it makes me sooo puffy i can barely sling my bag over my shoulder because it'll just slide off. and my coat is neon blue, in a city where everyone wears black.

every movement was torture, because i hate feeling immobilized and the pullover and coat presses the itchy longjohns to my arms.


and that's not all. along came 2 pain-in-the-neck little kids which we will simply call pinky and winky now.

anyway, the fun part was THE COLD WEATHER.

and the ice and the snow and everything that comes with it!

the fact that whenever you breath smoke comes out of your mouth.

and you are instantly snapped awake as soon as you step outside as the freeeezing air slaps at you.

and that you can take your own sweet time eating ice creams cause they never melt.


well i shant elaborate on the first few days here because i cant remember them.

except this one dinner at some korean reataurant where some guy was 'singing' in the karaoke.

it wasnt really singing so much as howling.

he just kept going 'aaaaarghhh' and other animal noises.

some popular chinese folk song, maybe.

anyway, the next day we had fun at a natural ice skating rink, which resided on a lake.

their skates were so AWFUL. i could barely master it.

we left after about half an hour of skating because nobody could stand the cold.

well blah blah blah a few days like that and we went SKIING.

WHOOO!!! the thing i'd waited TWO MONTHS for.

well the slope was disappointing. though it was quite long, there were several parts that were so level that i had to push myself along.

anyway, despite the slope being so stupidly easy, the better part of it, the steep part, looked like a war zone.

there were people strewn all over in various positions, some on their bums, some on their sides, some just lying down in defeat. most of them only had one ski on.

there were ski rods strewn everywhere.

it was pretty challenging at that part, because we had to maneuver around the fallen ones and their equipment.

many people were actually walking down the slope with their skies in hand.

some slid down....on their bums.

it actually looked pretty fun, the bum-sliding.

my family was easily the most elite amongst the bunch, minus the coaches.


well i had enough after 2 hours. my toes were REALLY frozen, and i mean REALLY. they were slightly blue when i took off my boots.

i couldnt feel my fingers.

my face was quite wet with condensation.


water vapour condensed on my cheeks, which just shows how COLD it was there.

my ears were really red.

and after that day, i have to admit i got sick of the cold.

me. sick of cold weather.


when we flew to guangzhou i immediately got rid of my longjohns and put on short sleeves.

it just felt so strange, being out in short sleeves.


well so here i am, in guangzhou, where it is 25 degrees.

im due to return to singapore on the 3rd, which means i get to miss one day of school.

i missed the countdown in singapore, SHEESH.

i missed the camp AND the countdown.

oh well.

anyway, ive just received an offer from my father.

i could go with him to harbin next wednesday instead of going home, and miss a whole week of school.

last year i wouldnt even have considered. i would have snapped up the offer immediately.

but strangely im not so thrilled about the idea of going back to singapore a week later.

esp since i would get to SKI again in harbin.

but then i would have to catch up on a week of school.

i would miss my dance lesson and waste $10.

i would feel strange around my friends after SUCH a long break.

my reunion with my dogs would be postponed. (i bought shoes for them!! dog shoes are so cheap here.)

i would miss yet another 1520 session.

hey that's actually a good thing.

i would have to wear LONGJOHNS again.

and my COAT.



should i go to harbin? tag suggestions.

summer & winter