
2008-03-05 8:55 p.m.

i keep wanting to blog.

but yet i havent been doing so.

its not my fault my scattered thoughts are too, well, scattered to put together in an entry!

i'd remember wanting to blog about this and that and so and so, but when i face the empty white screen titled 'your new entry' all the thises and thats and so and sos disappear from my mind.

and on the rare occasion i actually get my thoughts together and onto an entry - like that time i was going to blog about fum and his terrible funny english - the almost-finished entry DISAPPEARS.

so its not my fault i havent updated my blog in a while, what with all these mysterious disappearances.

anyway! today i finally have something concrete to blog about because it was the AJ DANCE AUDITIONS.

any worry i had that it would be a repeat of, er, xyjc's audition disappeared the instant the warm-ups started.

it was clearly a no-nonsense, either-you-got-it-or-you-havent type of audition unlike xy's where things were buried under layers and layers of enthusiasm and hyperness.

here, there was no hiding anything. the warm-ups revealed oh-so-much already: who can do a split and who cant, who can stretch furthest and hold a painful position, all this and more were announced loud and clear right from the start.

i actually felt rather woebegone seeing other girls go down on splits on BOTH legs when i can only do it on one, and seeing the j2s do incredible stuff like roll over backward in a GRACEFUL manner.

i didnt even know that was possible.

and then there was the choreography.

both were modern dance/jazz routines and the second one especially killed us all, what with all the perilous floorwork which made us close acquaintances with the nasty smelly floor.

gone was the hype about 'you dont have to have dance background to join us!' so celebrated at xyjc.

here, if you dont have a strong technical background, be prepared to suffer.

as i did.

but i must say it was rather fun!

i know im a bundle of contradictions. but i couldnt help feeling elated that now i will have a continuous supply of jazz choreography to share and add to dionne's timbaland choreo.

GONE are the days of stumbling and tripping through lousy jazz choreography!


pardon me i am a little high at the moment.

anyway i actually wanted to blog more about the differences in speaking habits, school compounds, morning assembly styles and food between xyjc and mystery unknown schools zjc and wjc.

but since i am tired to the bone (and muscle and tissue and skin and any other thing you can think of) i shall leave that for another day, when my brain is functioning properly again.

so taa!

summer & winter