national geogossip channel

2005-12-16 6:24 p.m.

well a bit of a to-do went on in church today, apparently. and i missed it. if only i'd gone, i'd have been able to witness everything first-hand.

anyway, whoever thinks im being too personal, dont continue reading. obviously you'd b even more intrigued after that line, unfortunately. blame it on the reverse psychology.

as i was saying, im just going to post ONE last personal entry, so dont flood my tagboard with complaints. i'd just delete them, anyway.

ok this is second-hand information, but its from 2 parties and has been cross-referenced, so most of it should b accurate.

today in church, the camp group leaders met to wrap up 150 goody bags. tsk, the woes of being a leader.

anyway, apparently fifi aka sean, fum aka nicholas, china guy, and yong xiang, were trailing after shoes aka peishan around like lapdogs. deaf and dumb lapdogs, actually, because they almost completely ignored all other members of the human species who were also present. this by itself is a very puzzling phenomenal.

when you delve a little deeper, you find it even more mind-boggling. apparently, fifi was childhood friends with one of the present humans, and usually got along quite well with the aforementioned. at the time of the phenomenal, however, he treated her as if she were a just-met acquaintance. tsktsk.

what, you might wonder, is the cause of all this nonsense? scientists came to the conclusion easily: meanness by the source. and the source is!

our trusty detectives did a little investigating and discovered that a pack of lies had been circulating amongst the lapdogs. or at least 2 of them. the pack of lies had been weaved by the source, and, thanks to their deaf-and-dumbness, the lies were immediately evolved into the lapdogs' systems. otherwise said, they believed the stories.

our fortune tellers forsee a confrontation coming, and then all followers would be given a difficult choice to make.

well that's it for today's documentary. tag your comments!

summer & winter