color matters

2006-04-23 12:11 a.m.

density, ph level, acidic/alkiali, volume, weight.

you wouldnt think these terms would b heard in a hair salon.


well anyway. sports day turned out to b very very tiring, though we didnt run. me junhui yz tanmin and zhuqing went bowling first, after we convinced zhuqing after MUCH persuasion to bowl as well.

her score was REALLY weird in the end. it went 0, 0, 0, 0 and then strike. huh.

dionne cut in in the middle. at least HER score didnt take any such drastic changes.

after bowling we went to the stadium. the air was so suffocating hot and heavy, and the events were so boring, that the first half an hour was miserably spent. then the milo van and orange juice came and things lightened a LITTLE.

and that was when we had the sudden, idiotic brainwave of going to the fitness bars to play. it all started innocently enough, just hanging around (literally) on the bars, and somewhere on the line i really cant remember when kejun joined us and we started to play pepsi. the things ppl do when driven to boredom.

well. pepsi with agressive, scream-prone ppl like dionne and yz, AND weirdos like jun hui and kejun, definitely is competitive. dionne apparently has this screaming reflex that kicks in whenever she gets terrified, or freaked, or adrenaline-rushed in anyway. and yz has a tendency to RUSH out at however threatens her. not a very good technic in pepsi. junhui just swoops in suddenly when you least expect it and kejun's attempts to back off has him in ridiculous poses.

only tan min and i were mostly normal. tsk.

when we finally ended we were hot and sweaty and uncomfortable but yz still wanted to play freeze and melt. and so we did, in the very very limited space further obstacled by this disgusting mud puddle.

it was really really dumb. 6 ppl running around trying to catch each other in a small space filled with hurdles like bars and mud puddles, (dionne) screaming all the way.

we were all in horrible states after that, and we didnt even take part in the events. hm.

those were the highlights of our sports day, though the teacher's race WAS quite interesting. a certain person looked like a rabid gangster running after a victim, what with the sunglasses (transitions), truncheon (the baton held over head) and bulky frame (heehee nothing to say about that).

on the way home i realized the extent of how tired i was when i stood up and everyone started swaying. and i was STILL made to bring the dogs down, tsktsk.

im not going to church tomorrow. a sunday morning when i can sleep in, finally.

summer & winter