because twiddling your thumbs can cause sores

2006-02-09 4:34 p.m.

i havent blogged for so many days! i shall do a brief recount now.

hmmmm, what happened on sunday?

oh yes dora received her first angel and mortal's letters. but of course we, or rather i, figured out who the angel was right away. i suppose its fair; now her mortal knows who she is and she knows who her angel is.

then they all went chinese new year visiting. my group didnt organise anything so i went home, only to have love cell (or what remained) come to my house.

they stayed for a total of 7 hours. from 4.30 to 11.30, for goodness sake!! what kind of cny visit is that?!

well nth really happened on

played taboo with tan min and zhuqing aka weedo during malay. it was quite boring, really. not as fun as pictionary.

during assembly some policeman showed us depressing videos of people sent to jail. and we played a miniature version of charades but none of us ever got what the other was gesturing about, so we stopped after a while.

and so we passed 2 hours, and now im home, bored.


summer & winter