chinese new year

2007-02-16 10:29 p.m.

the chinese new year spirit was seriously lacking today.

there was ONE big fat factor that was missing.

the little red packets filled with chocolates wrapped in gold paper that the school is supposed to give us!

this is like, a singapore tradition.

how could they not adhere to it?


besides that, the day started just like any other.

i woke up, felt annoyed that i had woken up, grouchily got my school uniform and for the millionth time cursed it for its uncomfortableness and the presence of sleeves.

even after 4 years im still lusting after the wonderfully sleeveless nanyang uniform.

after i disgustedly put on the uniform i would remember the lack of one button (another thing to curse it for; nanyang's uniform doesnt include any such frivolous thing) and remind myself to get it replaced.

i do this every single day.

when i get to school i have to make my way down a long row of students all sitting on the ground with bags and limbs sticking out, find my specific spot and sit down.

why they force us to sit in register number is beyond comprehension. not only do the slightly later comers have to stumble their way to the front the early birds get the kick instead of the worm.

afterwards i would stone for a while as the national anthem, school song and pledge are being sang and said. this is unadvisable, because the risk of forgetting to bring your hand down from your shoulder after the pledge is high.

i speak from personal experience.

after that would b the attire check, which i will never be able to pass. if its not my hair, its my socks or my missing button (yes that one) or else my shirt is untucked (i have an elastic band around my hem so it looks tucked, which should be fine because the whole point of wearing a uniform is to look neat, so who cares how i do it as long as i do?

and after the attire check we will climb 12 flights of stairs carrying our heavy bags and hearts to our classroom, located at the most remote and inaccessible part of the school.

quite a nice way of starting the day, no?

today was no different, up to 11 at least.

that was when 1000+ students were stuffed into a hall that suddenly appeared very tiny, and everyone's heads apparently swelled in size, effectively blocking my view of the stage.

the programs were the same old, same old. the guzheng ensemble played the same song that they played for chinese new year for 3 years in a row, the dance group did their lion dance thingy, and of course there was nan hua idol.

we had a grand total of 5 contestants, and guess what? 5 awards. so everyone walks away a winner of something or other, yippee-do.

we also had the singing-teacher item, and one of the contestants who apparently is the leader of some rock group named pension state or something, proved that most rockers can sing fairly well.

but some just cant.

and so in this spirit, i end this entry.

summer & winter