gift of the blab

2007-10-25 5:18 p.m.

here's something to change your opinion of those used car salesmen.

they're not as mouthy as we think.

this is an idiotic conversation i just had.

*dawn sees phone ringing. dawn takes her time walking to the phone. dawn misses the call and calls the number back.*

'hello, flipscarcare'
'hello flipscarcare'
'er pardon me?'
'PHILLIP'S CAR CARE.'(false name to protect the identity, but you get the point)
'oh. i dont have a car.'
'er. then you called?'
'i didn't call.'
'err...sorry? why did you call again?'
'i didn't call.'
'you either called?'
' did i call you?'
'yes you did.'
'wait but how could that be i just got off the phone.'
'maybe that was me you were calling.'
'oh. yea. so you drive the subaru?'
'no i dont have a car.'
'but this is your number right.'
'then you drive the subaru.'
'i dont have a car!'
'oh. then maybe i got the wrong number.'
'ok bye.'

idiotic in more than one aspect.

no more used-car-salesman jokes.

summer & winter