bet you never knew

2008-05-22 9:49 p.m.

as thomas edison once said, genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.

in aj, PE is 1% perspiration, 99% procrastination.

and the perspiration comes FROM the procrastination (when we're sitting in the hot sun doing nothing).

(not that i usually complain, i personally prefer procrastination to perspiration my mortal enemy.)

on a completely random note, tomorrow is the gp mid year paper.

i was, like almost all my fellow schoolmates, intently perusing a thick stack of paper with words printed upon it at the bus stop.

ppl who hounded me for tips to writing success (otherwise known as cheem language which did nothing but score me a rather pathetic A- in the last essay) eagerly checked out exactly what that thick, intellectual-looking book i was reading was.

'oooh what book is that?'

*lifts up cover of book*

'er. you're reading harry potter...?'

there, my secret to success has been leaked.

it is my religious reading of harry potter before major exams which helps me write.

because the harry potter books contain such cheem words like 'bezoar' and 'hogwarts' and 'wingardium leviosa'.

there, now you know what to do before a gp exam!

ive done my good deed of the day, taa now.

summer & winter