another jumpshot

2011-01-19 12:55 p.m.

having had sudden inspiration for a similar jumpshot but with slight modifications and a DIFFERENT BACKGROUND i decided to wake up a little earlier than usual to take this.

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if you're wondering why i had to wake up earlier to take this when its obviously noon-ish in the picture, that's because noon-ish is considered earlier for me already.

this was ideally supposed to be taken way early in the morning with a rising sun but ironically for someone with my name waking up at that time is an impossible feat.

i tried, i really did. when i finally opened my eyes it was 11+ and the my phone's battery was worn down from 4 hours of beeping.

oh well.

considering i still need to factor in stretching time (and stretching immediately after waking up is a very sloowww, very paaaainful process) i have given up the idea of a sunrise shot.

though that would have solved my OTHER problem of having an unwanted audience in the process of getting this shot what with the foreign workers trawling the area doing some sewage rehabilitation thingy in every household.

soooo many times i walked out onto the balcony only to walk back in because of irritating overly-curious eyes.

because of that i could only do a few takes which UNFORTUNATELY still managed to be screwed up because i was so engrossed in avoiding unwanted spectators DOWNSTAIRS that i forgot about those UPSTAIRS.

and hence my first take turned out like THIS.

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talk about KPO.

never get a dog who becomes overly interested in your business when she has no one to play with.

well anyway! more from me soonish taa.

summer & winter